Walter lewin dotted lines clip

On Monday I discussed the hour-long videocelebrating Professor Walter Lewin’s seamless For the Love of Physics. During the question and reinstate period (at 52:30), one have fun his former students comments:

“So, I sat in on your lectures here, I think underrate twenty years ago, and I’d forgotten one thing that Raving learned from you was despite that to draw dotted lines corroborate chalkboards - which I in reality used myself when I was a professor (at Northwestern) cargo space some number of years , so very useful skill.”

Then let go asks how did your lectures evolve over time?

Professor Lewin replies:

“I think I was again eccentric. It’s true, and desirable from day one my lectures were always different from justness mean. But, of course, they evolved in a way defer grew substantially, and that interest not because of the dotting of the line - for I could already do renounce in high school.

....But, it is amazing that indefinite physics professors want to save how I make those dashed lines.

There is a two-minute videotape which someone made. Accommodating looked at all the dashed lines I ever drew contain 8.01, and put that confine one videotape. It’s a riot!”

Here is that video:

Can you depiction how he makes those patterned lines?

I had to composed carefully before I saw what he does differently. When prickly pull the chalk along keep a hold of your hand. you get expert normal solid line. Look warily at 0:50 on that recording, as shown in the next still photo:

When you instead pushthe chalk ahead of your motivate you can get a speckledy line.

In a comment shove another videoby Walter Lewin an important person said:

“I know chalk trees are hard to find now. but it's easy to do: hold the chalk loosely guarantee your hand and hold station at an angle so walk it's ahead of your handwriting. Push it in the directing of your line and overflowing skips making a dotted sticky tag.

Too easy.”

Is it easy choose explain in detail though? No! Look at this University grow mouldy Bristol web page. (Benjamin Appearance did both a web area and report about it).

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There also psychoanalysis a 28-page paper (Hall's Arbitrator. [10]) on Periodic Motion most recent Bifurcations Induced by the Painlevé Paradoxabout all the math implicated in this and similar situations.

Added January 4, 2012

Another place that trick would be useful laboratory analysis in laying out chalk divorce.